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Friday, May 6, 2011

September 22, 2010 - Cocoa Beach to Orlando, FL

September is birthday month and in honor of all of our many milestones - we trekked across these great states (okay we flew, which removed countless opportunities for Drive By Pics - can you imagine?!) but once we got to the Sunshine State - we had a little bit of luck in getting some fun pictures.

One thing Washington cars don't have very often is UV shaded windows. This particular fact greatly reduced our photo ops in Florida.

This vanity plate pretty much summed up our trip to Florida.

Hang ten guys - yes, these are the guys who's Jeep declared they are indeed AW5OME. Even if they don't know how to spell.

Apparently - the silent treatment is not limited to just WA drivers.

It looks like this driver is about to get smacked!

Yes, same AW5OME guys - if you listen closely, you can hear the "woooooo" from the passenger.

Dang - where'd my beer go?!

Taking the "snowbird" thing a step too far. The white truck is blinding in the sunshine!

"Did you see those AW5SOME guys in the Jeep back there?!"

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a red truck with no shocks?

Don't crack a smile there buddy.

As if the giraffe print on the steering wheel was not enough - she has to add the multi-colored feather boa hanging from the rearview mirror.

AND leapard print seat covers, too! Gotta wonder where the zebra stripes are!

Guess when you are as "cool" as she is - you don't need to bother looking in a rearview mirror - may as well just toss the whole thing out!

These guys aren't too sure what to think about these crazy people in their rent car with a camera!

Where's Pimp My Ride when you need them?!

And because I couldn't resist - yet another view of our AW5OME friends. Man those are some sparkly teeth!

July 18, 2010 - Maple Valley to Elgin, OR

Sad really that we are SO delayed in getting these posted - but life gets too busy to blog sometimes. At any - we - go!

Jerry Garcia lives!

Not sure if he was more irritated about his bad hair day, his raccoon eyes, or the fact that we were taking his picture.

Mr. Smug - he must know something we don't.

Zeller Feller is pretty happy.

Does R T C stand for Ready To Carry?

There must be something other than just Ginger Ale in that bottle. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking.

Not sure what the driver was looking at here. Pretty sure that our photog was not sitting on the roof.

Looks like he was wishing he had another polka dot blankie to hide behind.

Not even looking where she's going!

Aha! She's a TWT! Texting While Traveling!

Which is worse? Texting while driving, or SLEEPING?!

Does the pink tree smell like bubblegum?

Not sure she could get any closer to the steering wheel if she tried.

Ummm - they missed a spot!

The tattoos scare me too much to make a comment about the mirrored white glasses.

Well - until I realized that design on the side of the glasses looks like his sideburns. Wonder which came first.

Life is always better when you go topless!

She must've saved some of her breakfast for a mid-morning snack.

Seriously - how big does the driver's window need to be?

Him: "uh, did you see the turnoff?"

Her: "no - but I'm holding on in case you decide to flip a bitch"

Sorry to tell you buddy, but if you think you are in Wyoming, you are a LONG way off course!

Maybe he smells the "dairy-air" - P.U.!

At first glance, had to wonder what he was using for the pedals!

Gotta give him credit for NOT taking his eyes off the road when he waved at us.

Will someone please let this guy know that it's never okay to wear a "wife-beater" shirt?!

She thinks my tractor's sexy, it really turns her on. She's always starin' at me, while I'm chuggin' along.

Who doesn't love unicorns?!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Promises Promises...

Drive by Pics - Florida style.

We took a few pictures - although had a more difficult time finding cars that didn't have their windows tinted too dark - and will share as soon as we can get them loaded!

But - for now...we are headed to S. Cal following the Under the Big Top Tour with Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers. Sure to be some prime Drive By Pics on THIS trip!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Update coming soon!

Drive By Pics takes the show on the road to the Sunshine State! We're headed to Florida for some WDW action, followed by a road trip to Cocoa Beach. Ought to be some good photo ops!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 25, 2010 Spokane to Maple Valley

Last week, we were headed back to MV from Spokane on the same day that Hoopfest was starting in Spokane and the same weekend as the Coeur d'Alene Ironman. Lots of extra people on the road, made for some good photo opportunities...

Hulloh Willllll-bur!

Does she think she has a CB radio in her hand?

It's Tink (on the steering wheel)

Looks like the driver's 3rd hand is being used to pluck a chin hair. Obviously - she needs one to hold the smoke and the other to hold the wheel.

Couldn't resist including this shot of the same plucky driver, showing off her spare hand.

Her look screams "Calgon, take me away"!



The fluffy seat belt cover, pairing nicely with the next photo:

Nothing like a shag carpet covering the steering wheel!

Hard to believe she would take her hand away from the fuzzy cover even for a moment, but I guess when you are the conductor of your own imaginary orchaestra, duty calls.

She must've been a cheerleader in a past life.

Lots of speed traps this day...we spied this WA State Trooper plane on patrol.

This guy actually saw us coming and had his wave ready when we bailed by at 75 mph.

Guess it's nap time.

Pay no attention to the girl behind my hand...she's not really there...just look at me.

Not the typical senior, the gold watch, sure, the dark glasses (although a little smaller than one would expect), but the wifebeater? It's not THAT warm yet!

His enthusiastic wave made up for the frowny face.

If you look closely, you can see us in his glasses.

Hey! What are you guys smirking about?!

Okay - now - here's the scoop, so we passed this car full of girls just outside of Medical Lake. The driver, she's looking thrilled. The passengers are all asleep or in their own little worlds.

as I was saying... snoozerville.

Now - let's get the party started...they found our photo project funny apparently.

Yep, she's still laughing, having awoken the back-seaters now, too.

Even calls mom and little bro in the Suburban ahead to tell them how some weirdos are taking photos.

Next thing we know - they are taking OUR picture the next time we passed. And then, for some reason, the driver thought it would be even more hysterical to come flying past us on the left. It was totally legal - other than the rate of speed.

Uh Oh... The driver's mom should be proud, as she pulled right over as soon as she saw the State Trooper pull onto the freeway. A little guilt as we drove past. :(

They didn't really just take my picture, did they? Or maybe she was just relieved that SHE didn't end up being pulled over by Mr. State Trooper.

Singing along, just minding her own business...

La La La - still singing.

Wait a minute - out of the corner of her eye, she spots something odd...

I know my singing was da bomb, but No autographs please.

Okay - so this wasn't actually ON I-90, but right along next to us.

Who drives with a toothpick hanging out of their mouth? Isn't that some kind of hazard?

Clearly - not impressed with our project, or our SMILE sign.

I suspect this guy is sporting a Utili-kilt.

No WAY is she old enough to be driving! Wait, maybe it's just my eyesight that's starting to go.

Unique approach to the do-rag - tied around your bun and sticking through the back of your ball cap.

Maybe he figures if he throws up a PEACE sign, we won't notice how badly his windows need a washing?


If that seatbelt were any higher, she might not be able to see through it!

There's gotta be a story here...brothers, headed to the big city for the weekend, they've got their shades, they've got their pink flip phone...the world is theirs.

I will not look, I will not look, I will not look.

Love how the sunshine highlights his white beard.

Again, lots of extra speed enforcement on the freeway that day.

Wondering if the sun only shines on goatees?

The dad in this car was NOT happy with us taking pictures and distracting the driver...but ahem...what about the fact that she doesn't even have both hands on the wheel?

Looks like she should have a cigar (a la Groucho Marx)

Not too sure whether this guy was waving at us, or if he was just making a feeble attempt to hide the wife breastfeeding a baby while flying down the freeway. Shame Shame!


After... See - we do brighten peoples' days!

These ladies could use a little brightening...

Sir, how do you like the bird poop on your car? so

Noise cancelling headphones worn by the passenger. Sending the driver a message perhaps?

Who's your Daddy?

Maybe if I nonchalantly wave over here, he won't catch me...

When opposites attract?

Back of sister's car going the opposite way while we were doing a combined 140 MPH. Really, it was her. And the photo would've been of her whole car if the car right ahead of her hadn't been quite similar (at least at that speed)!
Thanks to all of our fellow drivers that day that made the trip oh-so-much more fun!