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Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 8, 2009 - I-90 Seattle to Spokane (again)

Another weekend, another road trip.

Heading back to Spokane for Mother's Day weekend. This afternoon, we had quite a few people participate in our little game. As always, there were a few that refused to look over at our sign and camera, and a few that, even after a look, remain confused. Hopefully our antics still brought a smile to their faces (even if we couldn't capture it).

Mini-van mama who refused to look.

Be careful where you wave that hand!

We got "the look" from this one, no finger, just "the look".

Go MEADOWDALE Girl's Basketball! Best in the West, according to the sign.

Doubtful that it's really warm enough for a tank.

Effen crane.

No distracting this driver!

He appeared to be a little perplexed.

Singing along with the tunes.

They made sure that they also passed us, so that the passenger could get her photo taken, too!

We dubbed this one "lil red". They didn't smile.

Quack Quack

Tinted windows, the cops will NEVER see you on your cell phone...

Somewhere 6 dwarves are looking for their friend Grumpy.

Quick - wave now while mom is not looking!

Can you spell G-R-O-U-C-H-Y!

Waving but not looking...
Looking but not waving...

Yeah! We have looking, waving AND smiling!

Peace Out Bro!

She totally cracked up! Then chased us down to laugh some more.

Really?! Who came up with that name ?!

Maybe they heard about us and the pre-teens in the back didn't want to get their pictures taken... Dad was happy to wave though!

Not sure if he was waving, or blocking the shot.

"You are not going to believe what I see" he's saying to the guy on the other end of that phone.

Nothing like the feel of the wind blowing through your fur.
Thanks for coming along for the ride with us. See you next trip!

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 1, 2009 - I-90 Seattle to Spokane

It's a semi-nice day to join many other drivers heading eastbound on I-90 to put themselves through the annual torture that is Bloomsday. As we prepare to drive over Snoqualmie Pass, we make a quick stop to carefully wash the windows. The camera batteries are charged. The sign is we go:

She knows how to play along!

So does he.

He looks like he's getting ready to play his imaginary trumpet. Either that - or he lost his drink!

Is he reaching for his airhorn?

Hmmm - what's in the hanging bag?

A certain telecommunications company should be proud to know their employee was really hustling to get to her next job!

Wonder if he smirks at all of the photographers.

Is he trying to tell us something?!

Hey buddy, you may need that fire extinguisher!

Kicked back and rolling.

Hiya Andy!

At least he looks like a friendly hunter.

Pretty clean cut for a truck driver...

Thank goodness for the Meals on Wheels Volunteers!

Hiya Wayne!
Yeah, not so amused.

Zippy doing a doubletake.

Is this "wait a minute", or a peace sign gone wrong? Either way - it's a finger, but THANKFULLY, not the middle one!

Now THAT'S a wave!

She waved. He didn't.
Some folks just prefer to keep scowling.

Starting to get a "thumbs up" here.

Kenny Rogers on his way to his next casino gig.

Sylvester and friend in the motorhome. Can we borrow your catbox?!

It's the Get-Away Van! Complete with driver in dark glasses and a hat...a person could hide a lot of loot in that vehicle!

He thought we were pretty funny! We thought he was pretty funny.

Another weekend warrior and his motorhome.

It's the Captain and Tennille!

Not sure if he's supposed to smile and wave, or just wave...or maybe it's a question?

The navigator was happy to play along with us!

I guess we could say that we weren't in Washington and this driver wasn't on his cell phone...

Refused to look our way!

Very focused on the road ahead.

Some people just don't seem to get it until after we have passed.

Another bewildered driver.

1978 anyone?

Again, she refused to look over at our fancy sign and our cute, but crazy, photographer.
Stay tuned for the next road trip...